Man, I am a huge dork. The blog title up there was by actual internal dialog when I ran across the news (somewhat late apparently) that Marvel was producing a new, updated, X-Babies comic. Nutty, but fueled by awesome (like a Snickers bar).
So I propose a new audience participation event. I wanna draw X-Babies. Suggest X-Babies for me to draw. One rule: No established X-Babies. So... early 90's Nightcrawler, Colossus, Rogue, Storm, Cyclops, Shadowcat and Wolverine are all out. Any other X-man from any other era is fair game.
This was like getting back on a bike... wobbly at first, but after a few second you remember how much fun riding is. And then your thighs begin to burn on the first hill and the helmet begins to dig into your scalp and a car almost hits you. Wait... I totally lost control of that metaphor. Anyway, this was awesome. I but have to make the Art Order blog's challenges a regular thing. It is either that or start actively start pursuing rpg fantasy illustration work again.