Monday, June 29, 2009

Evolving Selfportrait Experiment

Okay, this is this week's stab at an audience participation project.

This one is very simple. I am going to start with a very simple selfportrait. No background. No accessories. No action. No theme. Nothing.

Starting directly after this post I will update the selfprotrait by drawing into the piece anything that anyone suggests in teh comments.

Let me lay down some simple ground rules.

1. Nothing disgustingly gross or illegal will be rendered. You sick bastards.
2. Nothing will be removed once drawn
3. I will not pick and choose, any suggestion added to a comment will be drawn
4. One suggestion per comment
5. You cannot comment again until your current comment is rendered

More ground rules may be added if I think they are necessary.

Let's begin:

Daddy's Nutshot Of The Day #3

Thursday, June 25, 2009

C.L.A.W.'s Open Swim

Just wanted to say I had a great time at the Swim last night. I was very productive, in what feels like the first time all week. I can't show you any of it yet since it is a commission job but if you were at the Open Swim you got a solid sneak preview.

I am now officially "on the mend" and I am going on vacation this weekend... so expect a bunch of art very soon. And good art too... not that stuff I've been posting in a fever haze the past couple of days.


Thanks everyone for coming out to the Swim last night. It was great to see so many Frost Parkers and young Llewellyn (which reminds me I need to speak to Tom about a comic book. If you are reading this Tom... email me). It was also great to see the Pink Cookie Lady too. It was like a bizarre nerd filled reunion last night.

I'll post art later.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Superhero Character Design FAIL

UPDATE: So... after three days of head cold and tinkering... I am super unhappy with my character designs for the Lee's challenge. I'll post what I've done so far... but personally I think it is garbage and I'm probably going to scrap the whole thing.

I don't know if it is by recent focus on cartooning, or me being sick, or what... but I am stinking up the place.

I have other things to work on... and CLAW's Open Swim tonight. We'll see if I revisit this:

Monday, June 22, 2009

An Experiment in Superhero Character Design

So... it has been awhile since I've drawn anything superhero-y here. I know, I miss it too. So, as a serious challenge to myself (and since my last audience participation challenge went tits up real early) I've decided to do something crazy.

This morning while randomly websurfing I ran across this absurd thing: LEE'S (USELESS) SUPER-HERO GENERATOR

It is both idiotic and brilliant.

My goal is to randomly generate 5 heroes to make up a team that I will then illustration in a cover pin-up groupshot as if they were an actual property. I will take the first team of five I generate. No substitutions or cheats. Regardless of the outcome from Lee's Useless Super-hero Generator I will draw them.

Let's begin...

Randomly generating...

Okay... well. The challenge has begun.

I urge you to try out Lee's (Useless) Super-hero Generator yourself. Feel free to post your results in the comments.

Check back later this week to see the results.

Daddy's Nutshot Of The Day #2

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


To accompany my first ever Daddy's Nutshot of the Day webcomic.


Daddy's Nutshot Of The Day #1

I am now going to take a stab at a weekly autobiographical web comic called Daddy's Nut Shot of the Day. Everything in it is real. None of the dialog has been altered.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Minors of the Universe 10


This is the last of my Minors of the Universe series. I may still composite a group shot... but for now I am done. This was a really fun project. I think I will do more stuff like this here in the future.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009