Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Wonder Woman Part Deux

This costume is an update on the 1974 Cathy Lee Crosby TV Movie Wonder Woman. Cause there's no Wonder Woman like a Cathy Lee Crosby Wonder Woman...


Here it is...

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Wonder Woman Paperdoll

This is the base form I am using to mock up the Wonder Woman costumes. It is a 100% digital drawing done in Illustrator and quickly toned in PS. All the costume elements added after that are all vector based art created completely in Photoshop. That's right. I'm the KING.

Wonder Woman....Wonder Woman...

Over at Project: Rooftop they are having a contest to redesign Wonder Woman's costume.


Here is my first attempt:

I wanted to kinda go future retro with her. Shorten her hair, bulk her up (she is as strong as superman after all) and slap on the chunky metal.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Life Drawing Wednesday

I have started going to an open life drawing session every other Wednesday. Each session is split into four 20 minute drawing opportunities.

The first is 20 minutes of 2-3 minute poses. I just try to draw the figure as fast as possible here, overlapping each pose to make a nice composition.

The second is made up of 5 minute poses. Again drawing each pose on the same piece of paper. Slightly more rendering but really just trying to capture form and create an appealing overall piece.

Then two 10 minute poses. Now I bust the water color paint out.

And finally one 20 minute pose. For the long pose I am painting with watercolor again.

I am really loving these sessions. Attempting to paint in 10 and 20 minute intervals is really challenging. All the above art was made tonight.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007