Monday, July 20, 2009

OMG... A X-Babies Revamp?!?

Man, I am a huge dork. The blog title up there was by actual internal dialog when I ran across the news (somewhat late apparently) that Marvel was producing a new, updated, X-Babies comic. Nutty, but fueled by awesome (like a Snickers bar).

So I propose a new audience participation event. I wanna draw X-Babies. Suggest X-Babies for me to draw. One rule: No established X-Babies. So... early 90's Nightcrawler, Colossus, Rogue, Storm, Cyclops, Shadowcat and Wolverine are all out. Any other X-man from any other era is fair game.



  1. Leach... mainly cause I want to see the baby version of his leaches.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Does have to be Xmen or just marvel characters?

  4. Well, I think the new happy couple - Shatterstar and Rictor - would be a nice choice. Plus I'm a huge fan of the original New Mutants, who actually co-starred in the X-babies first appearance.

  5. maybe an X-Sto would be the way to go ?!?!

    maybe Daddy-X-Sto even. more quirky situational slap-stick comedy possible ...

    how are ya ?

