Monday, December 8, 2008


This is going to be a weird one and super comic book geek so bare with me...

So I was looking at some artwork from Dave Gibbons' awesome concept art book for The Watchmen called Watching the Watchmen (excellent Christmas idea... hint) and it reminded me that the Watchmen were originally supposed to be Charlton Comics characters (Peacemaker, Blue Beetle, The Question, Etc.) but were changed to unique characters when the character rights were deemed to expensive (or some other b.s.).

Comics have done this character concept repackaging forever. I can't tell you how many Batman analogs are out there. So... here is the assignment: You provide me an existing superHERO (no villains) and a basic theme I will repackage it to fit with a new name, picture and costume. Got me? Good... start submitting your hero ideas. If I get enough of them I'll make a team.

It is a pointless exercise... but those are my favorite kinds!


  1. Golden Age (robot) Human Torch and his young flaming sidekick, Toro.

  2. needs a new theme... preferably one chosen at random. And only ONE hero per submitter (no sneaking in the sidekicks). So pick G.A. Human Torch OR Toro... not both.

  3. Iron Fist repackaged for the Sin City universe.

  4. That lovable Bone character in Spawn's universe.

  5. okay... look. BONE is a superhero! Jesus people...

    Now if you want Spawn with an anamorphic cartoon character with no pants theme... THAT I can do.

  6. And I am not barin' with you, Stowe. It's too damn cold.

  7. Okay, I can see already that you guys aren't exactly getting the assignment.

    All I want is a random superhero and a random theme.

    I am not drawing a hero from one comicbook in the style of another coomicbook.

    Although... that is very interesting in and of itself... BUT IT IS NOT THE ASSIGNMENT.

  8. I axed for an example of a random theme and you did not provide one, dammit. What do you have in mind?

  9. Kaneda from Akira (you better believe he is the hero in there) in a little mermaid theme.

    (If we don't define themes by other character's universe what the hell is a 'theme')??

  10. Okay...

    I understand that everyone is clearly not as dorky as I am and can't looking directly into my skull in order to understand my thoughts.

    With that in mind I will give you an example.

    With Watchmen The Charlton Comics' gadget using superhero Blue Beetle was turned into Nite-Owl, another gadget using superhero with a completely different repackaged theme (in this case: "Owls" instead of "Beetles").

    So, if you ever wanted to see Wolverine if he was "Beaver" or "Giraffe" themed instead... this is the Weekly Project for it.

    Does everyone follow?

  11. Holy Crap...

    Kaneda from Akira is not a Superhero.

    All of you people are just fucking with me aren't you.

  12. OK, does this work: Blade repackaged as a Japanese schoolgirl werewolf with immunity to the full moon and silver bullets? Admittedly, I'm not a comic book geek, which may be why this is twisting my brain in a way equivalent to reading French philosophy.

  13. batman as a transient/hobo with bummed out gadgets.

  14. Silversurfer as a rollerblader. And as a kid he had soapshoes!

  15. I think he got too frustrated to respond. We win!

  16. Magnus Robot Fighter - Hero

    Corrupt Insurance Adjusters - Theme

    Spiderman - Hero

    Dung Beetle - Theme

  17. A little late to the party, but here goes:

    Hero: The Phoenix
    Theme: an Osterich

    Hero: Green Lantern
    Theme: Pink Lingerie

    Hero: the Hulk
    Theme: powers in reverse
