Monday, December 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Justin

I am surprised this one hasn't been done before now.

I give you Darth Vaderine!
He is the best at what he does and what he does is Force Choke chumps that get between him and his cantina brew.

This opens up a whole field of X-Men/Star Wars hybrids.

I am giddy with the possibilities.


  1. Just of the top of my head...

    "Storm" Troopers
    Cyke Starjammer (see what I did there?)
    Princess Rogua

  2. Okay, I have to thank Stowe for the coolest thing to ever happen on my birthday, up to and including my actual birth.

    And I'm wanting a Luke Cykewalker next please.

  3. Remy Calrissian? I'm picturing a kinetically charged sabacc deck.

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