Friday, June 6, 2008

Frost Park Chalk-Off 9: Where We Chalked Underwater

Long story short...

It rained... alot. It didn't rain hard or rain nasty... but it did rain. All the concrete surfaces were slick and wet. Undeterred I ventured into the grass and did my longest chalk piece yet. It was a wet wet wet mistake. However, I really like how it came out. The rainwater really made me change my style up. I went for a simple cartoon look. Take a look for yourself.

As always I urge everyone to go to Feed>>Tacoma and vote for your favorite. The more people who participate the better the event becomes. This is number 9 and even in the rain it is still the best thing going on Friday afternoons.

Next week I plan on doing a collaborative piece with Dawn for a the Derby Dames.



  1. Can't quite make it out... what (or rather, who) is the snake supposed to have swallowed?

  2. Oddly enough...its a garden gnome.

  3. garden gnome + garden snake = awesomeness

  4. This type of nice post, I liked that a good deal! Is extremely good fashion sense! Amazing photos!

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