Friday, November 29, 2013

Retweet Reward: Joe Flanders

This week's #Retweetreward was requested by Joe Flanders, creator of the super funny Ninja and Pirate webcomic ( He asked that I draw the main characters from his strip... Ninja and, you guessed it, Pirate. So, here they are.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Retweet Reward: Pug Darth Vader VS Pug Nightcrawler

This week's Retweet Rewards winners were Joe Stroup (again) and Taylor Forbes. Joe asked for a drawing of Nightcrawler while Taylor asked for a drawing of Darth Vader as a Pug Dog. At some point I got some wires crossed and this was the result. Enjoy the first in what will likely be a series of Pug Dog VS!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Donutmas 2013

First, let me tell you a story... 4 years ago I weighed 400lbs. I had two very young children and I got winded just walking up to the front door. My father, also very heavy, was beginning to suffer from mobility and health issues due to a lifetime of obesity. I was looking at an unpleasant ghost of Christmas future. So, I decided to do something about it. I started going to a nutritionist. I began exercising (mostly walking to and from work) and I stopped eating my very favorite treat of all time... DONUTS. It took about a year but eventually I lost 150lbs. The day I broke the 250lb. barrier Was Nov. 7th. On that day, to reward myself... I ate my first donut in over 375 days. It was like a holiday. It was so great that I knew I couldn't just keep eating them or I would quickly boomerang back to 400lbs.

So I decided to actually create my own holiday. November 7th would be, for me and my friends, one day a year set aside to eat a donut and feel GREAT about it. Because the donuts on Nov. 7th represented everything good that you accomplished in the past year. And from this day forth it would be called Donutsmas... the mini Christmas of Donuts.

And so I every year I celebrate one day where I eat all the donuts I want and I don't feel bad about it. Today, November 7th, is that day. DONUTSMAS... the one magical day of the year when eating donuts is the best thing you could possibly do for yourself.

November 7th. 

Eat them. 

You know you want to. 

Don't feel bad. 


Monday, October 21, 2013

Retweet Rewards: Mark Monlux

This week's Retweet Reward winner is Mark Monlux (cartoonist behind two great webcomics: The Comic Critic and Return of Stickman and a fellow fez wearing member of the Cartoonist League of Absurd Washingtonians and a friend) who asked for; "himself, in a Hawaiian Shirt, giving the creature from Alien a piggy back ride, with the both of us wearing fez."

Ask and you shall receive.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Retweet reward: Mark Stokes

This week's Retweet Reward is for one of my favorite web cartoonists: Mark Stokes, creator of the amazing Zombie Boy. Pictured her is the titular Zombie Boy and his dog GORR! Check out Zombie Boy. It updates Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. You'll be glad you did.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Retweet Reward: Jareth the Goblin Sith Lord

Here is another Retweet Reward, this time for Sarah Frisk (cartoonist behind the webcomic Tavern Wenches) who requested Jareth the Goblin King from the movie Labyrinth as a Sith Lord.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Retweet Reward: Sorcerer Blob!

The evidence supports this theory. Think about it.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Retweet Reward: Jesse Munoz

Young Gabe and Toby from Jesse Munoz's excellent Broken Legacy comic.
You can download a PDF of it here:

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Retweet Reward: Jon David Guerra

Here is a retweet reward for Jon David Guerra, writer and artist of the webcomic Nightmare Pro Wrestling. He requested a drawing of one of his characters... Lobo the fearful wrestling werewolf

Monday, August 26, 2013

Retweet Reward: Batsloth for Ryan Klassen

Here is today's retweet reward. This time Ryan Klassen (@ryank_119 on Twitter and creator of City Folk webcomic) asked for a sloth version of batman (specifically not Ben Affleck). So here you go Ryan... Sloth and Chunk from the Goonies as Batman and Robin.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Retweet Reward: Space Lincoln!

Here is another Retweet Reward, this time for Webcomics Underdogs of their mascot, SPACE LINCOLN!!!

Friday, August 23, 2013

Retweet Rewards: Dungeon Grind!

Here is a retweet reward for Steve Dismukes, the creator of the Dungeon Grind webcomic. He asked me to draw the two heroes (miniony bad guys?) of his comic. I couldn't help myself, I had to make a crossover with Sidekick Quests.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Retweet Reward: Vader Dad for Joe Stroup

Today's result: Darth Vader, Single Dad and Sith Lord requested by Joe Stroup

Monday, August 5, 2013

Arsenic and Old Lace

I can now show the 1st of a series of poster illustrations I have been commissioned to do by the Lakewood Playhouse to help celebrate their 75th anniversary season. #1 is Arsenic and Old Lace.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Random Lunchtime Sketch #1

Since most of my personal art time is dedicated to Sidekick Quests these days I decided to create an exercise that helps me maintain this blog and draw different things. I call it Random Lunchtime Sketching... since I sketch things during my lunchtime. I am taking suggestions for sketching subjects through Twitter (you can follow me at @jamesstowe). My first random lunchtime sketch... as suggested by Wesley K. Hall (@NamelessPC on Twitter, creator of the awesome webcomic Nameless PCs) Here is Mutant Giraffe Man!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May the 4th be with you

It is a couple of days early but here is a nice graphic to help you celebrate the 4th of May. 

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

QZ-Con Poster

Here is a new poster I did for a local zombie convention called the QZ-Con. I am pretty happy with the results. I really channelled some rock-a-billy here. Definitely not something I normally do.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Creature from the Ref Lagoon

Here is the unembellished art from the latest Dockyard Derby Dames poster for tomorrow's bout. It is a 100% vector art painting-style piece (which is not something I normally do in AI. If you want to learn more about the bout check out this link:

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Transformers Animated Beast Hunters

So I made a piece of fan art for a defunct cartoon show (Transformers Animated) if they were still making modern current toys (Transformers Beast Hunters) for it... sort of. I am not sure if I should be proud of it or slightly embarrassed that I felt compelled to make it after the idea popped into my head. Here, you be the judge. 

100% vector art including logo... 3 hours of work.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Super Mario Bros. Valentines 2013

Every year I make my children valentines instead of buying them at a store. Each child (I have a boy and a girl) tells me what they want and I make them, print them out for them and then post them on the web for everyone else. This year my daughter asked for the assorted power-ups from the Mario Bros. series of games. She requested these because (and I am quoting here) it is the kind of thing that boys would like. Keep in mind that she is 6 years old. She also made me promise that there would also be princesses... and there are. Promise kept. Feel free to download any of these PNGs and print them out at your digression. If you'd like I am also selling a 300dpi print quality PDF of these valentines that you can access for only $3.00. If you like these please share them. They are, after all, valentines.

Doctor Who Valentines 2013

Every year I make my children valentines instead of buying them at a store. Each child (I have a boy and a girl) tells me what they want and I make them, print them out for them and then post them on the web for everyone else. This year my son asked for the assorted villains of the new Doctor Who series. Together we have been watching the show and he loves the various alien races that try in vain from episode to episode to defeat the Doctor. Presented here are 8 of the most iconic villains from the 9th, 10th and 11th Doctors. Feel free to download any of these PNGs and print them out at your digression. If you'd like I am also selling a 300dpi print quality PDF of these valentines that you can access for only $3.00. If you like these please share them. They are, after all, valentines.