Thursday, May 27, 2010

Drawing Art Chantry

It was an abnormal Thursday night for me...

How abnormal. Well I sat in a local bar with 20+ of Tacoma's best graphic and creative professionals.

And next to me was Art Chantry. Yeah, that Art Chantry. So I did what any absurd Washingtonian Cartoonist would do. I drew him in caricature.

See for yourself.

photo by preeminent Tacoma photographer Kevin Freitas.

I love the Tacoma Professionals Happy Hour.

Dockyard Derby Dames Poster Season 4 Bout 4

The latest Dockyard Derby Dames poster! This one is easily my favorite of the series. Keeneyed friends may recognize the model. Remember there is a the bout this Saturday, May 22nd at the Foss Waterway Seaport. Tickets are $15 at the door or $12 in advance from

Friday, May 14, 2010

D&D wallpaper teaser #1

Here is a teaser piece of art for the new D&D campaign I am putting together this summer. Warning, I am going to be pretty D&D obsessed for the next few months.